Software Development

Nexplore Progress
Nexplore Progress By Activity & BoQ is an AI assisted cloud solution that allows for the tracking of construction project status in a single view.

Supply Chain Resiliency Index
Nexplore Supply Chain Resiliency is a simple and tactical database for on-going analytics and trending of Supply Chain disruptions.

Nexplore DeliverEze
Nexplore DeliverEze is a single tool for all parties involved in logistics to schedule and approve deliveries in available time slot.

Nexplore Arrivewell is the web-based application for companies to manage the vaccination status of employees.

Nexplore Daily Diaries
Nexplore Daily Diaries is a management, reporting and productivity tool that automates daily records and costing while reducing administration costs.

Nexview 3D Civil
A cloud-based platform for managing, viewing and
processing 2D, 3D, BIM and point cloud data